What is SCOT?
SCOT - short for Singapore Club of Thailand, an informal social club established since 1984 for fellow Singaporeans and friends residing in Thailand, mainly Bangkok. The club is managed by volunteers (i.e. no pay) who are mostly corporate citizens. So sometime, things may not be done as we wanted or planned. The EXCO baton had been passed since inception to many and some of the current EXCO, have served 2 years or more. Replacement of committee is a problem :( and we are always looking for new "blood" to run the club.
What does SCOT do?
We keep our members updated via emails of events in town, which may be of interest (thanks goodness for this IT evolution as it makes communication so much easier and no longer need snail mails!!!!).
Organising at least 2 social events: Chinese New Year with Singaporean Makan for the Foodies (response had been good when it comes to food) & National Day.
For sports, after many trials + errors, we finally found success in Golf (not surprising as Thailand is a ‘heaven’ for the game with caddy to look for your wayward balls etc..) and have been doing this quarterly since 2002. We also have weekend golf trip.
Since 2005, we have been ‘returning to society’ by doing community projects (Student Dorms, Nursery, Canteen, Libraries & Toilets) focusing on school projects in Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand.
How much is SCOT Membership Fee?
Individual membership Only at Baht 1,000 per calendar year. We also welcome other nationalities to join us. For administrative reasons, there is no pro-rated fees of due for the first year. Renewal of Baht 1,000 is due on 1st January.
Why does SCOT choose Northern Thailand for our community projects?
We have found that this area has the least help due to its remoteness and hardship in travelling. Many chose to help areas surrounding Bangkok within travelling distance of 2-3 hours. Wiang Kaen is next to the Laos border. We need to fly (PAY YOUR OWN) to Chiang Rai and drive another 2.5 hours overland up the rolling mountain ranges to reach our destination of hilltribe villages comprise of Arkha, Mons & Yaos etc.
What should I do if I wish to donate to help out for the community projects?
For the $$$/Baht donation, please remit to SCOT's Account as follows:
Account Name: Singapore Club of Thailand
Kasikorn Bank - Saving Account No.: 023-2-46152-7
Please email the bank-in-slip to (singaporeclubofthailand@gmail.com)